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The City of the Tribes and the Centenary of Celebrations Tour: This tour highlights Galway's rich history from its origins as a fishing town on the edge of Europe, to its golden age as a prominent trading port ruled by mercantile elites. The 17th century was full of war and occupation in Galway with a strong military presence which was evident up until the start of the 20th century. The First World War had a dramatic effect on the city as did the Rising in 1916 and the long struggle for independence. Visitors will hear stories of Galway men who fought for and against the British Empire during this important period of Galway's long and interesting history. A City that Grew around Water Tour: It is a given fact that without Galway's proximity to the ocean and waterways it would have never progressed as the city we know today. From the earliest records, Galway has relied on the water for trade and strategic military positions. This tour highlights the maritime history and how the water had been used to enhance the relations with Europe and the world. One of Europe’s fastest flowing rivers offered the opportunity to harness its power which would bring Galway into the industrial age offering employment in textiles, distilling and munitions. So not only is it a town that was rewarded by the sea it was also a town tormented by it.
Galway City
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