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    Galway City

    Galway has a bohemian flavour that is typical of the west of Ireland psyche: laid back, relaxed and ready for a party
    County Galway
    Art & Culture
    2hr from Dublin Airport
    £102 per night


    Galway Harbour

    star-wars-last-jedi-malin-head-county-donegal star-wars-last-jedi-malin-head-county-donegal
    Bohemian rhapsody

    Right in the middle of the Wild Atlantic Way, the city has a reputation for artistic creativity and an infectious up-tempo vibe that’s played out in a full calendar of festivals and events. From music and horseracing to literature and oysters – Galway knows how to celebrate.

    Throughout the year there’s a party atmosphere that gives this place a special edge. It’s no wonder people pour into the hopping bars, traditional pubs and fantastic restaurants every weekend.


    Bustling streets filled with character

    Galway’s food scene includes incredible cafés, bistros and fine-dining restaurants that are kicking the culinary ball right out of the park.

    The International Arts Festival

    Galway’s food scene includes incredible cafés, bistros and fine-dining restaurants that are kicking the culinary ball right out of the park.

    Example-Galway-City Example-Galway-City

    Explore in 360

    International Arts Festival 2019

    Taste local flavours

    Galway’s food scene includes incredible cafés, bistros and fine-dining restaurants that are kicking the culinary ball right out of the park.

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    Landscape of the Irish Coast

    Indulge and unwind

    The flamboyant arts scene attracts visitors from all over the world, with a whirlwind of activity that includes the much-trumpeted Galway International Arts Festival and the indulgent Galway International Oyster and Seafood Festival.

    And if it’s social glamour you’re after, then don a fancy hat at the summer Galway Races, when 250,000 people converge at the Galway Racecourse for equestrian high-jinks that last a whole week.

    The International Arts Festival

    Galway’s food scene includes incredible cafés, bistros and fine-dining restaurants that are kicking the culinary ball right out of the park.

    More around Galway