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    Scattery Island

    Walk in the footsteps of saints, high kings and river pilots as you explore this historic, abandoned isle
    County Galway
    Art & Culture
    2hr from Dublin Airport
    £102 per night


    Galway Harbour

    Donegal Donegal

    Located just off the coast of Kilrush town in County Clare, Scattery Island is a treasure trove of history and a gem of the Shannon Estuary.

    A short ferry-ride from Kilrush leads you to these shores, where the past has been honoured and carefully preserved by the Office of Public Works (OPW). From monastic sites to deserted village streets, visitors can step back in time and marvel at the history of this small but mighty isle.

    Getting to Scattery Island

    The trip from Kilrush takes just 20 minutes by ferry.

    Scattery Island

    L-R: Deserted Village: St Senan's Monastic Site; Scattery Island Lighthouse; High Cross, St Senan's

    A storied past

    St Senan established his monastery here in 534 after banishing the dreaded sea monster known as the “Cathach”, ending its reign of terror over the island. Senan and his followers lived extremely pious lives of isolation, devoted to prayer. St Senan’s oratory is said to be the site of his final resting place. A guided walking tour leads you around the ruins, including a round tower, cathedral and several medieval churches.

    Visit the island exhibition at the Visitor Centre and pick up your audio guide for a self-guided tour of the southern point of the isle, where you’ll find the deserted village which was home to river pilots and their families until the isle was abandoned in 1978. These men serviced ships and aided their passage to land from the Shannon Estuary.

    Further on, you’ll find 150-year-old Scattery Island Lighthouse which still guides ships through the estuary to this day. And the remains of a Napoleonic artillery battery – built by the British as one of six coastal batteries along the River Shannon in defence of a French invasion.

    All these incredible pieces of history have stood the test of time, through raging storms, Viking invasions and clashes with High Kings.

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    Scattery Island, County Clare

    Wildflowers in bloom

    Wild wonders

    In just an hour and a half, you can walk the entire circumference of this charming island, enjoying panoramic views of the estuary and County Kerry.

    The island is a designated Special Area of Conservation where habitats of salt marsh, coastal gravel banks, grassland, and scrub flourish. From late spring, the island’s grassy paths are carpeted with daisies and the landscape is dotted with colourful wildflower, including buttercups, bluebells, poppies, burdock and many more.

    Rabbits, goats and mink roam freely here, and otters and grey seals call these waters home. In the summer months, the skies are alive with an array of birds, including kestrels, curlews and the endangered Hen Harrier.

    Scattery Island highlights

    Don't miss these things to see and do








