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Découvrez ce que l'Irlande vous réserve
Seaforde Gardens, Maze and Tropical Butterfly House promises a truly plant rich and nature-filled experience for visitors. Situated in the historic Demesne of Seaforde in County Down, which has been a family home for almost 400 years, visitors will discover an historic walled garden that has something for everyone. The perfect place in which to unwind for an afternoon or to hunt out your favourite spot. The historic gardens at Seaforde are situated both within and adjacent to the old walled garden, whose structure dates from the early half of the 18th century. The hidden, micro-climate gardens boast Ireland’s oldest living maze and support an renowned collection of plants, many semi-tender and collected from distant corners of the world thanks to the travels of keen plantsman Patrick Forde. The gardens also include an arboretum containing champion trees and rare species. The Tropical Butterfly House is the atmospheric, jungle home to myriad species of free-flying butterflies from the Blue Morpho to the King Page Swallowtail, the Malachite to the Scarlett Peacock and the Tree Nymph, to name a few. All peacefully at home surrounded by exotic and tropical plant life.
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