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The fishing village of Clogherhead is located on the east coast of Ireland in the County of Louth, approximately 70km north of Dublin. The headland affords uninterrupted views of the Cooley and Mourne Mountains 30km to the north and to Lambay Island 35km to the south. It is a preferred location for all types of water activities including, kitesurfing, rock pooling, surfing, sailing, swimming, walking, fishing and windsurfing. Clogherhead village is in close proximity to the historic town of Drogheda, the Boyne Valley and Newgrange. The village developed around the fishing industry with the waters of Clogherhead reputed as being some of the best fishing waters in the country. The harbour, known as Port Oriel was built in 1885. The beach has easy access to a long stretch of sand which is backed by dunes protected under the habitats directive. Clogherhead beach has a lifeguard on duty during the bathing season. Lifeguard patrol times are posted on the information noticeboard at the beach.
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