Quiz: Discover Star Wars on the Wild Atlantic Way
Wild Atlantic Way
Question {1}
On which of these islands did Rey finally come face-to-face with Luke Skywalker?
Question {2}
Can you guess which of these creatures is not native to the Wild Atlantic Way?
Question {3}
Pick out the dramatic northern headland where Star Wars: The Last Jedi was filmed.
Question {4}
Which of these activities will you NOT be able to enjoy along the Wild Atlantic Way?
Question {5}
Guess the famous County Clare landscape that inspired the Star Wars location scouts?
Question {6}
Which of these Wild Atlantic Way towns hosted the Star Wars cast and film crew?
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Much to learn you have!
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Much to learn you have!
You scored {0} out of {1}!
Has your mind been clouded by the Dark Side?
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Has your mind been clouded by the Dark Side?
You scored {0} out of {1}!
Good work! Much knowledge you have.
You scored {0} out of {1}!
Impressive! Truly. You are no longer an apprentice.
You scored {6} out of {6}!
Outstanding! A Jedi Master you must be!