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    my-ireland-butterfly-killarney-national-park-county-kerry my-ireland-butterfly-killarney-national-park-county-kerry
    my-ireland-orange-flowers-achill-county-mayo my-ireland-orange-flowers-achill-county-mayo
    my-ireland-owl-doneraile-court-and-wildlife-park-county-cork my-ireland-owl-doneraile-court-and-wildlife-park-county-cork
    my-ireland-red-bridge-japanese-gardens-county-kildare my-ireland-red-bridge-japanese-gardens-county-kildare
    my-ireland-board-fastnet-lighthouse-county-cork-1 my-ireland-board-fastnet-lighthouse-county-cork-1
    my-ireland-cottage-blasket-islands-county-kerry my-ireland-cottage-blasket-islands-county-kerry
    my-ireland-horses-wild-atlantic-way-3 my-ireland-horses-wild-atlantic-way-3
    my-ireland-yellow-flowers-lake-portumna-county-galway my-ireland-yellow-flowers-lake-portumna-county-galway
    star-wars-last-jedi-malin-head-county-donegal star-wars-last-jedi-malin-head-county-donegal
    Newgrange Co Meathwebsize Newgrange Co Meathwebsize

    Meander through Meath

    Meath moves at its own pace. So slow down, discover its history and unwind in the unspoiled countryside

    • #CultureandHeritage
    • #IrelandsAncientEast
    County Meath
    County Meath
    • #CultureandHeritage
    • #IrelandsAncientEast

    When it comes to ancient history and spectacular archaeological sites, there is no better place than County Meath. Located just a short bus ride from Dublin and on the main Dublin-Belfast train line, Meath rewards those who opt for a longer stay with amazing sites such as the Neolithic passage tombs of Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth, the Hill of Tara, Trim Castle and the Loughcrew Cairns.

    But there’s more to the Meath story than history. There’s the pleasure of gentle paddling trails on the mystical River Boyne, leisurely cycles along lush country lanes and the opportunity to soak up the folklore, mythology and legend that lingers in the air here. Prepare to be captivated.

    meath-slow-travel-boyne-boats meath-slow-travel-boyne-boats

    Boyne Boats, County Meath

    Don't-miss Meath moments

    The Boyne Blueway is the location for a host of on-the-water activities including historical tours and guided kayaking.

    Delve into the stories, events and characters of one of the most important battles in the history of Ireland.

    Go glamping in the Meath countryside at Rock Farm, which also offers an activity centre and organic farm in the grounds of a majestic castle.

    This interactive visitor centre promotes ecological awareness and sustainable living through tours, workshops and courses.

    With tours, cocktails and a gift shop, this small whiskey distillery in the grounds of Slane Castle is a favourite spot.

    Buzzy bees are the stars of the show at this educational nature trail located just 10 minutes from Trim Castle.

    Take to the calm waters of the Boyne Valley on a route that was paddled by Ireland’s Stone Age ancestors.