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Discover the secret life of the Blackstairs Mountains and learn more about nature. Take a fully guided walk with Blackstairs Eco Trails in Borris, County Carlow. Tours to suit all ages are available. Discover the lovely lanes, lowlands, bogs and streams of the Blackstairs mountain area and the River Barrow. Walk with expert guides and enjoy a unique rural experience. Blackstairs Eco Trail 2 hour tour: A two hour amble through the lovely lanes, lowlands, bogs and streams of the Blackstairs and the River Barrow with expert guides. Depending on the weather, the tours will be in the foothills of the Blackstairs – low hills or no hills or along the River Barrow and down to Clashganny and Ballytighlea. Look at the natural topography of the landscape and the local archaeology. County Carlow has some fine dolmens, standing stones and cairns. Find and learn about lichens and mosses, grasses and ferns, birds and mammals. Check the website for details on the Walk the Celtic Tree Trail and discover the 7 Noble Trees of our forebears the Celts. Also discover a full programme of tours/events taking place at the Old Rectory and the Barn. Go Wild With Blackstairs Eco Trails - they leave no trace.
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