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The shortest walk at Derrycassin Wood is the nature trail walk. Marked in blue dots, it takes about 30 minutes, leaving the inner car park, crossing a stone bridge and following along a track. Take a path down to the river and follow the river's edge past the second stone bridge. Keep left towards the beech grove, where you can view the lake and admire the variety of trees and plants in mixed woodland. Turn left at the next junction around the esker hills and return by the outward path. Marked in red dots and taking about 45 minutes, the second walk follows the track past the map board away from the car park. Pass the site of Derrycassin House (no buildings) and keep along the woodland path with fir trees on your left and spruce on the right. Turn left downhill on a woodland path – this soon reaches the ruins of a walled garden. The path runs beside the high brick walls while a couple of ornate gates allow for an investigation of the old gardens, now forested. The path continues pleasantly through rhododendron and woodland to return to the site of the house and your outward journey. The longest walk, marked in white dots and taking about an hour, is the avenue walk. Follow the nature trail walk as above to cross the second bridge. Then keep left at next junction to follow the track that runs parallel to the lake shore. There are occasional views across the lake and benches on which to rest if you wish. Near the far end of the forest, a track leads right and uphill. Follow this back through spruce plantation towards the car park. Schools and organised walking groups (under permit) are welcome to utilise the forest education and leisure activities. You or your group can walk the routes in either direction for variety.
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