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As you explore the Wild Atlantic Way and the Burren region in County Clare, call into the Burren Smokehouse Visitor Centre in Lisdoonvarna and sample the silky, smoky texture of the Burren smoked Irish organic salmon. Discover the mystery of salmon smoking and the secret of how smoked salmon is handcrafted during seven minute DVD in English, French, German, Italian, Swedish and Spanish. Enjoy mosaics telling the story of the 'Salmon of Knowledge'. Marvel at the nostalgic atmosphere in the visitor centre and smell the oak smoke as soon as you come through the door. Feel the rumble of the production facilities under your feet as you explore the retired kiln and smokebox that is on display. The Burren Smokehouse team are passionate about the quality of their products and about their customer service. You can place an order on site and have the salmon delivered to your home. Its velvety taste will instantly reignite vivid memories of the Burren and the wild Atlantic! There is more to explore in the centre: The "Taste the Atlantic - Salmon Experience" where you can follow the iconic salmon through history.
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