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Discover Downpatrick Head in County Mayo. Breathe in the fresh sea air on an exhilarating coastal trek and see the site of a former church founded by St Patrick, where you'll find a holy well and stone cross. Experience stunning views of the Dún Briste sea stack, marvel at the coloured rock formations and spot the sea birds who call this place home including puffins, kittiwakes, and cormorants. Legend says that St Patrick struck the ground with his staff, causing the sea stack to break away from the mainland. Look into the distance to see the Stags of Broadhaven, a group of rocky islands that jut into the Atlantic Ocean and check out the incredible blowhole named Poll na Seantainne. Mass is celebrated at Downpatrick Head on the last Sunday of July, known as Garland Sunday, a day that many people traditionally made the pilgrimage to the site, in honour of St Patrick.
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