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Sehen Sie sich Irlands Reisevielfalt an
The Brú Ború Cultural Centre, located at the foot of the historic Rock of Cashel, is an affiliate of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann, the Irish cultural movement which has over 400 branches worldwide. Brú Ború has an impressive theatre and craft shop, 'Sounds of History' cultural exhibition, restaurant, café, bar facility, South Tipperary genealogy suite, conference facilities and more. Summer shows of traditional music and song commence in late June and run for 5 nights each week (Tuesday to Saturday) until late August. Check thier website for details of events and music classes taking place during the winter months. Join the millions who have discovered Brú Ború. A Céad Míle Fáilte awaits you. Facilities: Coffee shop (seats 50) and restaurant (seats 100). Theatre (seats 250). Gift shop with Irish made souvenirs, books and crafts. 'Sounds of History' cultural exhibition. Fáilte Ireland Tourist Information Point. South Tipperary Genealogy Suite. Car and coach parking, audio visual and accessible toilet facilites.
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