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St Canice’s Cathedral is a hidden gem on Kilkenny’s Medieval Mile. Kilkenny is even named after this magnificent Cathedral, which has been a site of Christian worship since the 6th century and was known as the last stronghold of the druids before that. Each stone of this 12th century gothic cathedral tells a story. With characters from knights to shoemakers memorialised in the largest collection of burial monuments in Ireland. Look into the faces of Countesses and witch hunters with St Canice’s breath taking effigies. Or see St Kieran’s chair, the bishop of Ossory’s throne since the 5th Century. Bask in the serenity of Ireland’s second largest Cathedral. Be illuminated by the magnificent stained-glass windows from artist’s like Harry Clarke. View legendary sculptor Oisín Kelly’s beautiful brass work which seals the 12th century baptismal font. Be part of St Canice’s 800 year old history.
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