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Tintern Abbey is located near New Ross in County Wexford, an evocative piece of Irish monastic history. The abbey takes its name from Tintern in Wales and was founded by the Earl of Pembroke founded Tintern Abbey in about 1200. Legends say that when the Earl of Pembroke encountered a life-threatening storm during a sea voyage, he vowed to establish an abbey if he reached land safely. The abbey is often referred to as Tintern de Voto, or Tintern of the Vow as a result. It was inhabited by Cistercian monks from a larger abbey at Tintern, Wales, of which the Earl was also a patron. Today, visitors to the lovely County Wexford site can view the remains of the nave, chancel, tower, chapel and cloister. They can also participate in 45-minute guided tours of the property, which, in the 16th century, became living quarters for the Colclough family.
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