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Blackrock Castle overlooks the River Lee on the outskirts of Cork City harbour. MTU Blackrock Castle Observatory, the Space for Science, is Cork’s fun and exciting location to learn about the universe. Over 400 years ago, the fortification which is now Blackrock Castle, was built at the River Lee where the narrowing channel leads to Cork and has been part of the city’s history ever since. Today the castle is a science centre and is home to the new 'Ireland in Space' exhibit. Take a trip that spans from the origin of our universe through to the near future. A working research observatory with a 16” robotic telescope is managed by the Blackrock Castle Observatory Labs at the castle. This comprises of a team of researchers from the Munster Technological University engaged in searching for new planets around distant stars using telescopes within the castle and abroad. Join a 'behind the scenes' guided tour of the castle that will bring the past, present, and future together. Enjoy an entertaining and informative experience while appreciating the panoramic views of Cork Harbour.
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