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Sehen Sie sich Irlands Reisevielfalt an
Curraghmore House in Waterford is the historic home of the ninth Marquis of Waterford. His ancestors (the de la Poers) came to Ireland from Normandy after a 100-year stopover in Wales around 1170. Some 1,000 hectares of formal gardens, woodland and grazing fields make it the country’s largest private demesne and one of the finest places to visit in Ireland. A Sitka Spruce planted on the estate in the 1830s stands guard over King John's Bridge. Built in 1205 this stone-arched structure, spanning the Clodagh River, is the oldest bridge in Ireland. Twenty kilometres of famine relief boundary wall and four sturdy wrought iron gates surround the estate. The tour of the grounds may be extended by visitors themselves who wish to continue on to view the Kings John's Bridge built in 1205 and Sitka Spruce tree which is reputed to be one of the tallest in Ireland, all are within easy reach of the main garden. Curraghmore House: Group tours of the main reception rooms of Curraghmore House can be arranged by prior appointment. This tour takes in some of the finest neo-classical rooms in Ireland which feature the magnificent plaster work of James Wyatt and grisaille panels by Peter de Gree.
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