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Rathlin Island is Northern Ireland's only inhabited off shore island and is the perfect destination for adventure and great days out. Five miles north of Ballycastle and twelve miles west of Scotland's Mull of Kintyre, it is idyllic, serene, charming and quaint and is an ideal destination that should not be missed. Families, couples, groups, schools, walkers, cyclists, photographers, artists, musicians, writers and more, there is something for everyone to make the visit special. After the scenic ferry crossing across the Sea of Moyle (on which you might be lucky enough to spot some dolphins) disembark and relax, pop into the Breakwater art studio, have a cuppa in the Water Shed cafe, walk along the beach, have a drink in the pub or enjoy a stroll along the shore road from the harbour, past the old kelp store and onward to Mill Bay where you can watch the seals basking or at play. Take a bus trip, hire a bicycle or bring your own on the ferry. From April to July is puffin season so don't miss the opportunity to see them along with guillemots, razorbills, kittiwakes, fulmars, shags and gannets. The Rathlin seabird centre is open to the public from Easter with the added bonus of being able to explore a real working lighthouse which is now part of the Great Lighthouses of Ireland tour. A visit to the island Boathouse information centre and museum, with its stone age artefacts, Norse coins, jewellery, photographs and information will enchant any visitor.
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