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Carlow County Museum is a valuable historical resource and popular tourist attraction in Carlow Town centre. A range of exhibitions and artefacts displayed over four galleries enable visitors to discover the heritage of the local area and include: * The 6m carved pulpit from Carlow Cathedral. * Items from Carlow’s Sugar Factory, which operated for almost 80 years. * The smoking pipe of Captain Myles Keogh, killed at the Battle of Little Big Horn. * Items relating to John Tyndall, the Carlow scientist who discovered the greenhouse effect. * A 340 million year old fossilized squid. * A display based upon St Willibrord, an Anglo-Saxon monk who trained in Carlow before becoming the Patron Saint of Luxembourg and the Netherlands. * Kevin Barry's last cigarette and death mask. Kevin Barry was an 18 year old medical student who was executed for his role in the Irish War of Independence. * The original 19th century printing press used by The Nationalist newspaper, and so much more.
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