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Housed within the Old Library building, at Dublin City's Trinity College, the Book of Kells is a precious 9th century manuscript, featuring an exquisite combination of ornate Latin text and intricate illuminations. Discover how the world’s most famous medieval manuscript was made and learn about the rich symbolism behind it. You’ll also gain access to the Long Room, one of the world’s most beautiful libraries and home to 250,000 of Trinity College’s most ancient books. On exploring the Long Room, get a close up view of the Brian Boru Harp, Ireland’s oldest surviving harp. You will also see a rare original copy of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic, a seminal text in Irish history which influenced the foundation of the Irish Republic as a sovereign independent state. The exhibition and gift shop are open 7 days a week. Entry is timed and it is recommended that you purchase your tickets online in advance.
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