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Sehen Sie sich Irlands Reisevielfalt an
Sligo Racecourse is situated among some of the most scenic countryside imaginable, with the mountains Benbulben and Knocknarea looking down from either side of the town. The area is considered as one of the most unheralded beauty spots of Ireland and it’s certainly worth the effort to get to Sligo Racecourse for one of its nine fixtures. Their modern self service restaurant provides a variety of home cooked foods to tempt every palate. People with special dietary requirements are also catered for. The spacious bar has scenic views of Benbulben and the surrounding mountain range and is the perfect place to soak up the atmosphere of a day’s racing in Sligo Corporate Entertainment. The Cleveragh Room overlooks the picturesque parade ring and boasts full bar and betting facilities for companies and organisations entertaining staff and guests with a day at the races. Ladies Day in Sligo is always a colourful and exciting day with fashionistas from far and wide strutting their stuff for the celebrity judges. Why not combine business and pleasure with a visit to Sligo Races to promote your business by sponsoring a race, advertising your company signage, or simply entertaining customers.
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