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Explore the fascinating Cashel Folk Village Museum and learn about Penal Times and the War of Independence, in this old-world attraction. The thatched roof of the museum echoes times gone by, admire the incredible collection of memorabilia relating to members of the Third Tipperary Brigade, and hear stark but important stories from the Great Famine through lifelike exhibits and an audiovisual show. Step back in time and see the Penal Chapel on the museum grounds which was built using 12th-century stones from the Franciscan Abbey and marvel at the enormous 10,000 years old original giant elk antlers resting in the entrance building. Spend time in the impressive 1916 Easter Rising section of the museum and view the array of original memorabilia on display from this turbulent era. Find the world-famous Rock of Cashel and the Brú Ború centre just 350 metres from the Cashel Folk Village.
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