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With its magnificent mountains, pristine lakes, waterfalls, glens, native oak woods, and a picturesque castle with all its original furnishings, Glenveagh National Park and Castle is one of the most magical places to visit in Donegal. The castle, 24km north west of Letterkenny, was styled as a romantic highland retreat and completed in 1873. It hosted many famous guests over the years, including Marilyn Monroe and John Wayne. Explore the Castle Gardens, known as some of the best in Ireland. Enjoy the Gothic Orangery, the Italian Terrace and the Tuscan Garden and walk the Pleasure Gardens. Afterwards, relax over lunch or coffee and homemade cakes in the pretty tearooms or in the courtyard. Watch out for red deer or see if you can spot the rare Golden Eagles which were reintroduced to Glenveagh. Wild camping is allowed in some remote areas of Glenveagh as long as you follow the Wild Camping Code.
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