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In the Skellig Experience Centre you can experience many aspects of the offshore Skellig islands while remaining on the dry land, in a custom built, stone clad, grass roofed, prize winning building located right on the waterfront beside the Valentia Island bridge at Valentia, County Kerry. This heritage centre tells the story of the Skellig rocks. There are four themes covered in the exhibition. Firstly the history and archaeology of Skellig Michael's Early Christian monastery. Secondly the sea birds who are such a part of the Skelligs, their habitat and their world wide travels. Then the lighthouses which have given 161 years of service to mariners. And finally the underwater Skellig, which has colour and magic equal to any sea in the world. These themes are explored using graphics, models, exhibition items and lighthouse keeper ship-to-shore communication, accentuated by the sounds of sea birds. A visit to the monastery will entail a climb of 618 steps, ascending over 600 ft. (180 metres). It is a demanding climb and any person with health issues should consider carefully their own physical limitations before exploring this part of the site. Visitors must stay on the recognised pathways at all times Children must be strictly supervised at all times Beware of falling rocks Steep gradient on the steps Uneven steps Steps slippery when wet The magnificent Skellig Islands lie 8 miles (12 km) off the coast of Portmagee in South West Kerry. Opening arrangements are variable, depending on weather conditions. Average Length of Visit: 2 ½ hours (excluding boat trip) Check website for further information.
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