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Clonakilty Blackpudding make one of Ireland's favourite black puddings, using a secret recipe that dates back to the late 1800s. Take the opportunity to discover the story of Clonakilty Blackpudding by taking the interactive, self-guided audio tour around the visitor centre in Clonakilty, County Cork. The family friendly experience involves getting an understanding of the history of black pudding and the town of Clonakilty, as well as learning how the secret recipe was passed down since the 1800s and how the business has expanded. There is also a viewing gallery which allows people a unique chance to see how Clonakilty Blackpudding is made today. Of course, no tour here would be complete without tasting some delicious Clonakilty products in the café. Booking is recommended and can be done online through the website.
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