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The following operators provide water transport to Devenish Island but some may not operate in winter months: - Erne Water Taxi +44(0) 77 1977 0588 ernewatertaxi.com - Erne Tours (MV Kestrel) +44(0) 28 6632 2882 ernetours.com - Erne Boat Hire (Day Boat Hire) +44(0) 07523423232 erneboathireltd.com - Manor House Marine (Day Boat Hire) +44(0) 28 686 28100 manormarine.com - Lady of the Lake (Private tours only) +44(0)28 6862 2200 manorhousecountryhotel.com/see-do/the-lady-of-the-lake Please note Devenish Island is only accessible by water. Devenish Island East Jetty will be temporarily closed from 15th November 2023, for a period of approximately 6 weeks. The closure period is to facilitate an upgrade to the existing jetty. Devenish of the Assemblies was founded by St Molaise in the 6th century, the monastery of Devenish Island was the most important of Lough Erne’s many island monasteries. Over the centuries it became a large parish stretching across both sides of the Lough, attracting pilgrims and parishioners until the 1600s. The remains of the buildings you see today date from the 12th, 13th and 15th centuries. Remnants of the island’s earlier history remain hidden beneath your feet. Devenish was a holy place of worship, scholarship and burial, accessible only by water. It was a place of welcome for pilgrims, as well as where people lived, worked and prayed. It was also a safe meeting place for powerful chieftains and religious leaders and was given the name Devenish of the Assemblies. Permission to hold an event requires consent from Historic Environment Division of DfC - Link to application process **Although Devenish Island is open to visitors we ask you to take care near high walls as this is a remote site and there have been reports of loose masonry**
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