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Sehen Sie sich Irlands Reisevielfalt an
This magnificent Victorian mansion, one of Ireland’s leading stately homes, is situated amidst the spectacular scenery of Killarney National Park in County Kerry. The elegantly furnished rooms portray the lifestyles of the landed gentry, while downstairs in the basement you can experience the working conditions of the servants employed in the House back in the day. Muckross House is also home to a number of skilled craftworkers, who can be seen using skills in the crafts of weaving, pottery and bookbinding. Many exotic trees and shrubs flourish in the mild climate and sheltered location of the Muckross gardens. Attractive features include a fine collection of rhododendrons and azaleas, an outstanding rock garden on a natural rock outcrop and beautiful tree-fringed lawns. The Muckross traditional farms are an authentic outdoor interpretation of rural life in Kerry in the 1930s and 1940s, on a 70 acre elevated site. Traditional buildings and field systems are recreated and domestic farming and craft practices are carried out daily during the visitor season.
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