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Black Donkey Brewing is Ireland’s original, multi award winning farmhouse style brewery. Black Donkey Brewing is the home of the Sheep Stealer, the brew that created the Irish Farmhouse Ale category. Not content to break new ground only once, the brew crew released "Underworld, Savage Ale", Ireland's first ever wild, native fermented commercial beer. Black Donkey Brewing's beers are brewed the same way beers have been brewed for generations. The brewery workflow is almost totally manual, although the recent invention of the electric pump is much appreciated by all on the brew crew. The beer is never filtered, and no chemicals, finings or other additives are ever used. The entire brewing and packaging process from grain to glass takes place in the 560M2 brewery, in the village of Ballinlough. All Black Donkey beers are bottled or kegged on site. Every brew is pure, natural, vegetarian and vegan, and is packed with natural flavour and character. Bottle and keg conditioning means the beers are live, and can continue to evolve and develop over time, much like fine wines. Tours are by prior appointment only, for groups from five to fifteen people. Tours are led by the head brewer, and typically last 1 hour to 1.5 hours. Black Donkey Brewing is primarily a production brewery and tours are on the brewery floor, in all its aromatic, steamy glory. Sensible footwear must be worn, therefore no high heels, sandals or open toe shoes are permitted.
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