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Sehen Sie sich Irlands Reisevielfalt an
A pictorial low-level linear walking route in Ireland’s Ancient East, the Tipperary Heritage Way follows the serene River Suir northwards from the mighty Knockmealdown Mountains to the historic town of Cashel. Traversing quiet country roads, forestry tracks and riverside paths, some sections of which can be overgrown and wet, 31km of the route follows local roads. A moderate trail, the Tipperary Heritage Way takes two days to complete and showcases so much of the county’s lush scenery. Starting from the gap above the Vee, a renowned viewing point, the route follows part of an ancient road that once linked Cashel with the coastal town of Ardmore. It then unfolds through the pretty villages of Ardfinnan and Golden and the town of Cahir before reaching its end in lively Cashel. With many welcoming towns and villages along the way, you’ll have your pick of accommodation and delicious dining options too.
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